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What's up with hockey in Utah?

A few months ago, it seemed like the idea of Utah getting an NHL team was an optimistic idea that might come around in 3-5 years - Ryan Smith posted a rendering of a new arena and district on Twitter, a new bill passed that will let Salt Lake raise the sales tax to pay for a new arena (that appears to have been ratified in mid-March), but at that point it seemed like the state was pushing for an expansion team. When April came, though, the concept quickly changed, with the Arizona Coyotes franchise selling all its operations to the Jazz owners. With that also seemed to come a change in scope - instead of a massive downtown overhaul, it seems Salt Lake will only be getting a remodel of the Delta Center with some nebulous proposal to revitalize the surrounding area.

That word - nebulous - seems to apply to so much of the reporting and news surrounding the recent developments. Whether or not Salt Lake even enacts the approved tax raise is still up for debate. All stories that have come out display a fairly significant pushback to the concept of a new arena, seemingly in line with overall trends in how cities deal with their sports teams. Chicago and Kansas City seem to be calling the bluff of their current teams, and Las Vegas has been pushing back on the A's attempt to move in. It seems the balance of power has shifted from team owners to the cities in the last year or so, and it seems like Ryan Smith is taking that in mind by scaling back the proposed project. What certainly didn't hurt his public relations is the event he threw to welcome the team - free hot dogs, free drinks, free cookies, lots of chances to holler and cheer about a team that we haven't yet seen play. It seems that with the total disaster of the previous Coyotes ownership and the overall tone shift in discussions of city's sports teams, new ownership is treading lightly.

I think it's odd how quickly the overall conversation has dried up - with the sale of the team now final, it seems like people have accepted the team as an inevitability - but there's a large difference between a team moving into a remodeled Delta Center and a massive construction project at the point of the mountain. I hope people can realize that there's many decisions left to be made about what happens going forward, and that they know the cities have much more leverage than they might think.


Been a minute! Forgot about this a little after the album release and the start of college, and it's been gnawing at me enough to just drop a little filler post. I'm still proud of this site, but I should be updating it more often. Hopefully I can get to doing it once per month again. Hilariously, just the other day, the new pair of headphones I mentioned getting in the last post just broke last week, so I managed to keep them alive for a lot longer. In any case, cheers to more posts!

Quick edit: also releasing some new music! It's going up on the Bandcamp and the music page here under the name Northgate, so give it a listen if you see this!


THE ALBUM IS DONE! I ended up finding a distributor that seems to work for everything I'm looking to do, and Event Horizon should be streaming on pretty much all platforms on August 21st! I'm very excited to get this project out of my head and into places where people can actually hear it. In other news, my headphones have broken again, but in a kind of convenient way - the warranty on this model is a whole year, and I have yet to have a pair last for more than 5 months, so every time they break I get a new pair for free. Hypothetically, if this continues, I should get free headphones for the rest of my life (or JBL can simply make headphones that are more durable).


Excitement is very present this week - college getting closer and a little more "real" each day. In less complicated news, I'm rapidly approaching completion of the album I'm gearing up to put out. Looking for the right distributor has been by far the hardest part, but I think I'm beginning to approach an answer (and a release). The music is at least 99% finished (probably more), so the rest of the material has to be figured out - including a name for the project as a whole. It's strange how hard this part of it is, but I guess it has to get done eventually.


I've only got so long of free time today (in a good way), so this one will probably be brief. I've still been super happy creativity-wise these last few weeks, with one or two more songs pretty much wrapped up since the last blog post. I've also got yet another project that I've hopped on that seems to be mostly under wraps as of now, so I'll keep quiet here about it.
Recently, I changed my name on Bandcamp from KLNGS to Telstarred. This was partially because KLNGS is a bit hard to remember, doesn't carry very much meaning, and is horrible to search up given that search engines think you were trying to spell "Kings". So, I changed it to Telstarred. Why that?
Well, I quite like the various references it has. Telstar was a satellite from the early 60's as well as an instrumental surf song by the Tornadoes that I have good memories of. Given that my sound is quite inspired by the 80s, it may seem odd to pull in a much older reference, but I quite like connecting these two eras in this way.
One thing that synthwave and other 80s nostalgia can do is gloss over many of the complicated parts of the era it looks back on, which is a lot easier to do for the 80s than the decades that came before. I think by bringing this older reference in, it comments on the ever-present nature of history - after all, the original satellite is defunct, but it still orbits the earth to this day.


The last few weeks have been extremely creative! I've been experimenting with perfecting the sound of a lot of genres I mess around with - instead of making synthwave-esque things, for example, I've looked into how to properly recreate the 80's sound and made some pretty cool tracks with that idea. Also, I've been playing around with using my actual voice, which has been surprisingly easier to integrate into my music than I figured it would be. Since I've got so much music put together that I haven't posted, I figured it's about high time I wait just a little longer and put these together into an actual album (tentative name is DIEGESIS, but that's still up in the air). Right now, lyrics are sparse, but I've generally enjoyed playing around with the concept of human relationships being existential in nature, like how you see in Kiss Me (Kill Me) by JerryTerry or more earnestly in This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal-El Mohtar and Max Gladstone. A good mixture between eldritch horror and standard pop romance seems to keep things grounded enough to not sound out of place while still keeping those fun themes.

I figure now is the part of the blog post where I show off some things I found on the internet.

Hope you enjoy all of this! Until next time!


The last little while has been back and forth; emotional and emotionless, ecstatic and exhausted, deep feelings and small ones alike swimming out of each other. Feelings are infinite, but antonyms are not, so I'll diverge.
I guess I've been thinking about why I bought this domain and created this website in the first place - was it to learn skills and put some things I'd been taught to practice? Partially, yes.
Was it just because I was bored, and this website is that kind of project that always seems to take up exactly as much time as you need it to? Also yes, but only partially.
My best guess is that I was motivated by a prelapsarian idea of the internet; by the time I could perceive The Internet as a space in and of itself, the blog was already on its way out, and by the time I could access it consistently, it was about as prevalent as it is today.
Once I was able to put myself on the internet, it could only be through a Platform, the process of self-expression simplified, flattened, and gameified all at once.
The change was obvious; making this website actually took a fairly surprising amount of research and effort, and making an account on another website is as painless as it can be.
Beyond just the aesthetics of geocities websites and bare-bones CSS, I suppose I just wanted a piece of that self-expression that existed in the past, when people could represent themselves with websites that were crude, possibly simple, but importantly theirs.

So, insofar as I carry on that tradition, excuse the clunky CSS and clunkier ramblings you may see here. I'm just trying to live in the past, one blog post at a time.


It looks like the idea of polishing up the website went well! Learning html and css has always been very dry to me, but I found some good-looking websites to take as examples.
Namely, this website that I used as an example to figure out these cool-looking boxes has been extremely helpful.
Now that I've fixed the music tab, the next item on the agenda is probably to figure out how to get another font onto here, but I'll probably save that for another day.
But, for now, things have been going well otherwise. I have plenty of creative projects to keep myself occupied (including this website), so I haven't allowed myself to get very bored.


Well, not too much has really happened since the last time I saw this
I have a lot more song ideas than I did before and I got some new audio equipment to make them happen, so hopefully that starts resulting in some actual finished products
Going to be trying to make this website look... just a bit more polished, hopefully. Working without any experience and just referencing off of sites I find that look cool, so hopefully that goes okay


Work was definitely something - finished everything I had to do by 12:30 and barely anything new came in before I was out at 5
Finally hit 1000 ELO and terrified to ever play again for fear of it going under again
Probably going to see the new Avatar film (and hopefully The Whale) soon

Media I've been enjoying:


Slept in well this morning - still haven't made my bed as of 10:51pm
Looking to do a little more with this website, possibly turn it into a blog sort of deal like it was 2005 or smthn
Had a very important (I think) interview for college, so fairly excited with that, though not sure if I should be looking into scholarships at this point
Big into chess since I last updated this site, been winning a lot of games recently, almost to 1000 ELO on chess.com, which I'm quite proud of
Completely taken me out of video games in general though, it's a little bit all-consuming but generally worth it
So, I think that's it... stay tuned, if you're out there, I guess

Media I've been enjoying: